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Beidou spirit in the new era inspires astronauts to forge ahead

Release date:2021-12-29Author source:KinghelmViews:993

       On July 31, 2020, the beidou-3 global satellite navigation system was officially completed and put into operation. The CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central [敏感词] Commission specially sent congratulatory messages, highly affirming the great significance and brilliant achievements of the completion and opening of the Beidou satellite navigation system, encouraging the whole line of the project to vigorously carry forward the Beidou spirit of the new era of "independent innovation, openness and integration, unity and the pursuit of excellence", never forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, and make unremitting exploration and forge ahead, Make new and greater contributions to the realization of the two centenary goals and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

       The Beidou spirit of the new era is a vivid interpretation of the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core in the aerospace field. It is the continuous inheritance of the red genes of the scientific and technological front such as the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" and the spirit of manned spaceflight in the new era. It is a concrete embodiment of the Chinese spirit, which is extremely fresh, vivid and distinctive, *** The new long march to build a powerful Aerospace country has a strong role of encouragement and encouragement.

       The spirit of Beidou in the new era contains the belief of serving the country without forgetting the original heart and remembering the mission. It is the persistent belief and unremitting pursuit of generations of scientific and technological workers since the founding of new China and the most concentrated embodiment of the party's original mission on the scientific and technological front. Since the 1990s, three generations of Beidou people have inherited the precious spiritual wealth left by the predecessors of the "two bombs and one satellite". They have always regarded the party's cause as the greatest cause, the national interest as the highest interest and the national dream as the ultimate dream. They have worked hard to make earth shaking things and are willing to bury celebrities. With their spirit of entering the desert again, they have erected another spiritual monument, With the family and country feelings of "dedicating youth to life, and dedicating life to children and grandchildren", China's Beidou has written an immortal legend that shines all over the world. The development history of China's Beidou cause is a vivid portrayal of scientific researchers serving the country with all their efforts and wisdom. No matter how the environment changes, how the team changes and how the situation develops, the astronauts and Beidou people have always been determined to strive for the realization of the party's original mission. This is also the spiritual gene and glorious tradition that all Chinese people should vigorously carry forward on all fronts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

       The Beidou spirit in the new era reflects the national character of continuous self-improvement and hard work. The Big Dipper has been endowed with the function of Sinan since ancient times to guide the direction, distinguish the four seasons and mark the time. It is also a symbol and symbol of the Chinese nation's self-reliance and hard work for thousands of years. Beidou people uphold the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, such as self-reliance, self-reliance, self-improvement, diligence, courage and hard work. In order to catch up with and surpass the world's advanced satellite navigation system, they have gone through 26 years of trials and hardships and gathered their wisdom to tackle key problems day and night. They have achieved a historic leap from scratch, from existing to excellent, from regional to global, refresh "China speed" again and again, and show "China accuracy" Highlight "Chinese bearing". Self improvement, hard work and hard work are the characteristics of our great nation. It is particularly necessary for our generation of Chinese people to unswervingly take the long march of the new era.

       The spirit of Beidou in the new era shows the style of the times of daring to break through, try, innovate and surpass. In the face of new exploration from scratch in unfamiliar fields, starting from scratch in the blank area of high-end technology, and facing the complex situation that the external environment is unfavorable to me, Beidou people always do not believe in evil and admit defeat. On the way forward, any difficulties and challenges will not collapse. They have created the "three-step" development path, the "hybrid" constellation configuration and the "integrated" function design, It provides a new paradigm for the development of satellite navigation systems all over the world; It has successively conquered more than 160 key core technologies, achieved 100% localization of core components, pioneered the inter satellite link of the whole constellation to support independent operation, and created a miracle of world navigation satellite networking with 18 arrows and 30 satellites launched in two and a half years. All these reflect the Beidou people's spirit of daring to think, work hard and forge ahead, and all reflect the ambition and pursuit of doing the best if you want to do it.

       The spirit of Beidou in the new era embodies the people's strength of unity, cooperation and unity. Coming from, relying on and for the people are the vivid practice of the party's ruling concept in the Beidou field. The Beidou was built by hundreds of millions of people with both hands. The builders come from all over the world. For the same dream, regardless of the front and rear, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, front and back scenes, and supporting roles, more than 400 units and more than 300000 scientific researchers have gathered to tackle key problems, led by two "two bombs and one star" Senators and dozens of academicians, and more than 14000 enterprises and more than 500000 people are engaged in system application and promotion, Jointly write a moving chapter of "a game of chess and a battle of thousands of troops" to vividly demonstrate the great advantages of the new national system. The practice of Beidou construction once again shows that as long as we are deeply rooted in the people and closely rely on the people, we will be able to gather a majestic force to overcome all difficulties and obstacles.

       The Beidou spirit of the new era shows the great power mind of serving the world and benefiting mankind. Promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind is China's responsibility and pursuit as a responsible big country. Beidou is a Chinese brand and Chinese business card to practice this important concept. Beidou's one belt, one road, is not limited to domestic economic and social development. Nowadays, the Beidou has continued to deepen its compatibility and interoperability with the US, Russia and European satellite navigation systems, providing services to users of the "one belt" along the border and over 100 million level users. The related products are exported to over 120 countries and regions, based on Beidou's land mapping, precision agriculture, digital construction, etc. Smart ports have been successfully applied in ASEAN, South Asia, Eastern Europe, West Asia and Africa. China's Beidou is also the world's Beidou. We will help each other and move forward hand in hand. We will achieve win-win results in the process from big to strong.

       Today, the times has given us the opportunity to make our dreams come true. As long as we unite to look forward, roll up our sleeves and work hard, we will be able to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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