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Shenzhen announces "new infrastructure"! It will set off an upsurge of development and construction in an all-round way! Super trillion government investment projects are coming

Release date:2021-12-29Author source:KinghelmViews:942

Recently, the central government has intensively deployed "new infrastructure", and relevant contents have been mentioned four times within 20 days, including 5g network twice.

What does the "new infrastructure" include?New infrastructure is generally considered to include 5g, UHV, intercity high-speed railway and intercity rail transit, new energy vehicle charging pile, big data center, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet (Internet of things) and other fields.At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held on March 4, the "data center" was mentioned for the first time in the contents related to the new infrastructure.

How will Shenzhen sell?

On the morning of March 16, Shenzhen Mayor Chen Rugui hosted a video conference on the promotion of major projects and economic work scheduling, focusing on the promotion of major projects, rail transit construction, 5g infrastructure construction, etc.

This means that in 2020, Shenzhen will"New infrastructure" will be fully launched!

Shenzhen will do everything possible to speed up the construction of major projects and expand effective investment

Chen Rugui presided over the municipal major project promotion conference

Economic work scheduling meeting

We will comprehensively promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development

Do everything possible to speed up the construction of major projects and expand effective investment

 On the morning of March 16, Mayor Chen Rugui presided over a video conference on the promotion of major projects and economic work scheduling of the city  Promotion of major projects, rail transit construction and 5g infrastructure construction  Wait for work.
 *** We will spare no effort to promote the resumption of work and production of enterprises, do everything possible to speed up the construction of major projects, expand effective investment, do a good job in economic and social development in the spirit of "nailing nails", strive to minimize the impact of the epidemic on the economy, fully demonstrate the resilience of Shenzhen's high-quality development and the vitality and vitality of Shenzhen's leading demonstration zone.  

 The meeting pointed out that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and is a key year for the comprehensive and in-depth promotion of the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Shenzhen's leading demonstration zone. It is very important to do a good job in this year's economic development.
 We should take accelerating the construction of major projects as the current key work, adhere to the principle of leadership, hierarchical coordination and special affairs, further improve the promotion mechanism of major projects, improve the efficiency of examination and approval, and strengthen land preparation, urban renewal, land acquisition and demolition,  Actively promote the construction of rail transit, 5g infrastructure, "top ten cultural facilities in the new era" and major livelihood projects, and comprehensively set off a new center of Qianhai international city  Shenzhen Bay super headquarters base    Bright Science City  The development and construction of key areas such as Xili Lake International Science and education city is booming, and efforts have been made to form a scene of rapid and vigorous work.
 We should make every effort to expand social investment, guide and support more social capital and private enterprises to participate in the construction of major projects in the city, constantly release the vitality of private investment and enhance the momentum of economic development.  
 We should firmly establish the idea of "living a tight life", strictly reduce general financial expenditure, and effectively use more financial funds for ensuring development, people's livelihood and large-scale project construction.  
 The meeting stressed the need to adhere to safety first and quality first, strictly urge major project construction units to implement the epidemic prevention and control responsibility system and safety production responsibility system, implement the "four in place" and "eight measures", resolutely achieve the "five Musts", strengthen the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards, and firmly hold the bottom line of safety development.
 Municipal leaders Liu Qingsheng, Yang Hong, Li Xiaogan, AI Xuefeng, Wu Yihuan, Xu Wenhai and Huang Min, and Zeng Pai, Secretary General of the municipal government, attended the meeting. (content source: Shenzhen Special Zone News, Shenzhen satellite TV, Shenzhen TV news, author: Gan Lin, Li can, Cui Bo)  According to the official website of Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission:  On March 16, the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the Shenzhen 2020 government investment project plan (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"). The plan points out that we should make good use of special government bonds to expand effective investment, actively respond to the downward pressure on the economy, give full play to the key role of investment in stabilizing growth, and ensure the smooth conclusion of the 13th five year plan. The plan points out that we should appropriately expand the scale of investment and strengthen the regulation of counter cyclical policies. In 2020, Shenzhen municipal government investment project plans to arrange a total of projects  661    The total investment is 1248.5 billion yuan  。 It is reported that the plan plans to invest 65.7 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of about 15.9% in the same caliber. In 2020, the total investment projects of district governments (including new areas and cooperation zones) are planned to be about 111.2 billion yuan. This year, the total investment of the two levels of government in the urban area was about 176.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.7%. It is expected to promote the investment in fixed assets of the whole society to reach about 840 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of about 15.0%.
155 projects including the third runway of Shenzhen airport have been started,   The total investment is 184.3 billion yuan!  
 At 10 a.m. on March 17, the land area project of the third runway expansion project of Shenzhen airport and the centralized launch of new projects in Shenzhen in the first quarter of this year were held at Shenzhen airport.  
 There are 155 newly started projects in this concentration, with a total investment of about 184.3 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of about 36.4 billion yuan, including 115 infrastructure projects, 20 industrial projects, 20 urban renewal projects, and 5 large projects with a total investment of more than 5 billion yuan.
Wang Weizhong, Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Party committee, announced the start of the project on site  


Airport runway 3The total investment is 12.33 billion yuan


The third runway expansion project of Shenzhen airport with a total investment of 12.33 billion yuan has been officially started. After completion, it will meet the guarantee objectives of 80 million passengers and 2.6 million tons of cargo and mail throughput of Shenzhen airport.

Nie Xinping, director of Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission, introduced that the centralized commencement of the project was held at the land project site of the third runway expansion project of Shenzhen airport,The purpose is to set off an upsurge of accelerating the commencement and resumption of fixed asset investment projects in the city, give full play to the supporting and leading role of major projects, and give full play to the key role of investment in steady growth.

He also said that the expansion project of the third runway of Shenzhen airport is a major national strategic project,It is of great strategic significance to promote the construction of Shenzhen international aviation hub, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area and world-class airport group.



Airport future

It can guarantee the travel of 80 million passengers every year


The construction contents of the three runways started this time includeAir traffic control project, airport project, supporting land formation and soft foundation treatment project and supporting flood control and drainage project

According to the plan, the third runway is located between the second runway of Shenzhen airport and the expressway along the river, and is set 550 meters west of the second runway in parallel; It is 3600m long and 45m wide. The flight area is constructed according to the highest level 4f. After completion, it can take off and land A380 and other large aircraft, which can effectively improve the airport operation support capacity and effectively support the construction of Shenzhen international aviation hub and world-class airport group in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area.


Shenzhen Airport

The growth rate of passenger and freight transportation ranks among the top three major airports in the world


In 2019, Shenzhen airport will become the busiest airport in the world. In that year, the passenger throughput exceeded 50 million for the first time, the global ranking rose from 32nd to 26th, and the growth rate ranked second among large airports in the world; The global ranking of cargo and mail throughput rose from 25th to 23rd, and the growth rate ranked third among large airports in the world. The growth rate of international passengers has ranked first in China for three consecutive years, and the construction of smart airport has become a national model. The great leap forward development of Shenzhen Airport puts forward higher requirements for hardware facilities and support capacity.

The three runway project started this time is another major project launched in the new phase of the airport expansion project after the previous construction of the satellite hall.

Shenzhen airport has two parallel runways, which are located on both sides of Terminal T3. Of which:

One runwayIt was opened in 1991 when the airport was open to traffic. It is located in the east of the existing T3 terminal, with a length of 3400m and a width of 45m;

Second runwayLocated in the west of T3 terminal, it was completed and put into operation in July 2011. It is 3800m long and 60m wide. It is 4f standard and can meet the takeoff and landing of all large aircraft including A380.

National approval! Shenzhen has invested 12.33 billion, and a world-class airport is coming!

In 2019, Shenzhen Airport took off and landed 370200 flights, with an average daily flight volume of nearly 1100. On average, one flight took off and landed in more than one minute at the peak. Facing the pressure of increasing flight volume, Shenzhen airport has realized the simultaneous takeoff and landing of aircraft with double runways in peak hours with the help of intelligent operation and continuous optimization of double runway operation mode, and the operation efficiency has been continuously improved.


In 2019, the normal flight release rate of Shenzhen airport was close to 88%, reaching the best level in recent years, and the punctuality rate of departure flights ranked sixth among large airports in the world. After the completion of the third runway, the runway capacity and overall operation efficiency of Shenzhen airport are expected to be further improved in the future, so as to realize the expansion and efficiency of airport flight area and meet the needs of rapid growth of aviation business.


 The new phase I expansion project of Shenzhen airport includes  Satellite hall, runway 3, T4 terminal  And other key projects.


Among them,Unosat projectIt was started at the end of 2018. At present, the foundation works have been completed and the construction of the main works is being accelerated. It is expected to be officially put into use next year;T4 terminal areaAt present, preliminary soft foundation treatment is also being carried out. With the completion and operation of various projects in the future, the future Shenzhen airport will form a new pattern of three runway linkage operation, coordinated support of multiple terminals and air rail intermodal transport in the East terminal area.

According to the relevant person in charge of Shenzhen airport, the current site of the third runway is the sea area, which needs to be provided by reclamation. As a pilot project, the early land formation and soft foundation treatment project is a necessary condition for the smooth implementation of the third runway expansion project of Shenzhen airport. The total planned sea area of the whole project is about 2.85 million square meters, equivalent to the size of 400 standard football fields.


It is understood that in order to ensure the project construction quality and improve the construction efficiency, Shenzhen Airport pays attention to the application of innovative technology in promoting the planning and construction of key projects including satellite hall and three runways, and strengthens the project progress and quality control and improves the management efficiency with the help of BIM (building information model) technology. In the early stage, the application research of Bim in the expansion and reclamation project of the third runway of Shenzhen airport has won many awards in the field of engineering.

In addition, Shenzhen airport also innovates the concept of project management, provides high-quality services for the airport by selecting capable and qualified large enterprises, realizes the unity of project construction, and provides quality assurance for building high-quality projects. (contentSource:Shenzhen satellite TV Shenzhen TV news, Shenzhen satellite TV & one Shenzhen client reporter: Yang Minghan, Yang Cheng, Liu Meijia, Guo Fengxin)

Shenzhen's seven "new infrastructure" are coming!

When it comes to infrastructure, many people used to think of building roads, bridges and houses, referred to as "iron public foundation". The "new infrastructure" mainly refers to the new infrastructure represented by 5g, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and Internet of things. In essence, it is the infrastructure of information digitization and an important tool for China to move towards high-quality development and innovative development.Shenzhen Menggenaccording toShenzhen 2020 major project planandKey construction project plan of Guangdong Province in 2020Among them, many"New infrastructure"It has been included in major projects.

01   5g Foundation  

According to the prediction of China Academy of information technology, the cumulative investment in 5g network construction will reach 1.2 trillion yuan by 2025.At the same time, "5g industrial Internet" will promote industrial enterprises to carry out internal networking and information transformation.

According to the 2020 Shenzhen government work report:Build a global leading 5g industrial ecology.We will vigorously develop the digital economy and accelerate the construction of 5g infrastructure. This year, we will build 45000 base stations, take the lead in realizing the full coverage and independent networking of 5g infrastructure in China, implement application demonstration projects such as intelligent connected vehicles, and build a city with the most active 5g innovation and the most abundant application scenarios.Strive to ensure industrial development space.


It is worth noting that among the 5g concept A-share listed companies, 26 listed companies in Shenzhen take the lead. According to the plan, 30000 5g base stations will be built this year, with a total of 45000 built, and strive to take the lead in realizing full 5g network coverage by the end of August.

In addition,The 5g patents applied by Shenzhen Huawei, ZTE and other companies have taken the lead in the world!

It is worth noting that on September 1, 2019, "several measures of Shenzhen on taking the lead in realizing the full coverage of 5g infrastructure and promoting the high-quality development of 5g industry", 10 large areas will become the global 5g development highland!

02   UHV  

At present, the projects related to UHV include: grid improvement project of South Channel of East Guangdong power transmission, reconstruction project of Dongfang Bauhinia line± Expansion of the third main transformer project of 800 kV Dongfang converter station;Shenzhen East Power Plant Phase II project, environmental protection new energy power generation and intelligent microgrid power supply and distribution project, key projects of Shenzhen power grid, comprehensive environmental protection new energy power generation and intelligent microgrid power supply and distribution project, civil engineering of supporting cable tunnel for new overhead line reconstruction of Shenzhen power grid from 2009 to 2010Guangming gas turbine power supply project of Shenzhen Energy GroupTwo 9h gas steam combined cycle generator units, etc.

03   Intercity High Speed Railway and Intercity Rail Transit   Nearly 20 articles  

At present, nearly 20 intercity rail transit and intercity high-speed railways are involved, with a stock capital of more than 100 billion. Including: Shenzhen Metro Line 2 phase III, line 3 phase III South extension, line 4 phase III project, line 5 West extension, line 6, line 6 phase II, line 6 branch, line 7, line 8 phase I, line 8 phase II, line 10, line 11, line 12, line 13, line 14, line 16, line 20 phase I, Shenzhen Dalian intercity, Shenzhen Huizhou intercity, Shenzhen Shantou high speed railway Xili comprehensive transportation hub project, etc.

More information about metro can be found at:Shenzhen 15 subway major projects are coming! Schedule planning for opening of 20 circuit diagrams attached

04   New energy vehicle charging pile  

Some major projects involving new energy vehicle charging piles include: research and industrialization of key technologies of intelligent shared electric vehicle high-power charging equipment - industrialization of electric vehicle charging pile; National electric vehicle industry measurement center; Shenzhen Automotive Research Institute Project of Beijing University of Technology (formerly "National Engineering Laboratory of electric vehicles - Shenzhen project"), etc.

05   Big data center  

Big data center is an important new energy in the fourth industrial revolution, which is more important than oil. As for the positioning of Shenzhen, it is clear in the document of the central government supporting Shenzhen's first demonstration zone: support Shenzhen to build a big data center in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan district.

Recently, the notice of the general office of Guangdong Provincial People's Government on printing and distributing the key points of the reform and construction of Guangdong Digital Government in 2020 was officially released, which proposed: "support the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Dawan District big data center in Shenzhen and promote the efficient and convenient flow of information elements in Dawan district."

Major projects involving big one include: Shenzhen's one belt, one road big data Valley project.Relying on AVIC cloud Shenzhen Hong Kong cross-border transmission optical fiber, build offshore data center, national new Internet Exchange Center, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao cross-border data service platform, big data backup and disaster recovery system based on cloud platform, and a new generation of intelligent data transmission technology industrial park;

On March 16, the Shenzhen national gene bank reached strategic cooperation with the global influenza data sharing Initiative (gisaid). The national gene bank life big data platform (cngbdb) has become the first officially authorized platform of gisaid in China.  

06   artificial intelligence  

What is artificial intelligence? Ma Huateng once said: the future is to process big data with artificial intelligence in the cloud.

On November 15, 2018, the Ministry of science and technology held a new generation of artificial intelligence development planning and launch meeting of major science and technology projects, marking that the new generation of artificial intelligence development planning and major science and technology projects have entered the stage of full launch and implementation. The first batch of enterprises in Shenzhen were shortlisted,Relying on Tencent, build a new generation of national artificial intelligence open innovation platform for medical imaging.

Then,For the development of artificial intelligence, ShenzhenEnter the international leading enterprise arm in the field of chip design, MediaTek, a leading enterprise in the field of chip manufacturing, Beidou Research Institute and other technical platforms, and introduce the core enterprises Shangtang Technology (Qualcomm strategic partner) and Yuntian lifeI in the field of application innovation and algorithm R & D;Introduce the technical elements of iFLYTEK, the core enterprise in the field of speech recognition, into the park through the introduction of HAMP electronics;Through the resource link of industry giants such as Airbus innovation center and Accenture innovation center, the core algorithms and technologies in its industrial ecology are introduced into the park to build an artificial intelligence ecosystem with complete chain and factor agglomeration from key technologies, algorithm R & D and application innovation to scenarios.of course,ShenzhenIt also has excellent enterprises related to the research and development of third-generation semiconductors, such as Hisilicon, ZTE, bronze sword, founder microelectronics and Rayleigh wave optoelectronics.of course, Shenzhen has also issued plans for chips!


In 2019, Shenzhen has a five-year development roadmap of artificial intelligence. The Shenzhen action plan for the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence (2019-2023) (hereinafter referred to as the action plan) puts forward development goals in stages according to 2020 and 2023, focuses on building a national leading artificial intelligence technology innovation system, and promotes the deep integration of a new generation of artificial intelligence and the real economy, Shenzhen will be developed into the source of AI technology innovation in China and the world's leading AI industry highland.

according toThe objectives of the action plan show:By 2020, the industrial scale, technological innovation capability and application demonstration of artificial intelligence in our city will be at the leading level in China, breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies in some fields, a number of characteristic open innovation platforms have been built into industry benchmarks, artificial intelligence has become an important engine to boost the industrial innovation and development of our city, forming a new economic growth point, The comprehensive competitiveness of artificial intelligence industry ranks in the forefront of the country. Build more than 10 innovation carriers, organize and implement more than 20 major science and technology industry development projects, introduce and cultivate 3-5 international top artificial intelligence teams, 5-10 technology leading research institutions, and cultivate 10 leading enterprises in subdivided fields. The scale of artificial intelligence core industry exceeded 10 billion yuan, driving the scale of related industries to reach 300 billion yuan.

By 2023, the basic theory of artificial intelligence in our city will make a breakthrough, some technology and application research will reach the world advanced level, and the open innovation platform will become the benchmark leading the development of artificial intelligence, effectively support the construction of an international scientific and technological innovation center in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District, and become a world-class pilot area for artificial intelligence application. The innovation system of artificial intelligence has been preliminarily established, and new industries, formats and models of artificial intelligence are emerging. Build more than 20 innovation carriers, cultivate more than 20 leading enterprises with leading technological innovation ability in China, and build 10 key industrial clusters. The scale of artificial intelligence core industry exceeded 30 billion yuan, driving the scale of related industries to reach 600 billion yuan.

On August 29, 2019, Guangdong Laboratory of artificial intelligence and digital economy (Shenzhen) settled in Nanshan, Shenzhen, becoming the third Guangdong laboratory approved in Nanshan District after Pengcheng laboratory and Shenzhen Bay laboratory.

In addition,On the morning of November 14, 2019, the Ministry of industry and information technology and Shenzhen municipal government held the unveiling ceremony of Shenzhen artificial intelligence innovation and application pilot zone and the integrated development forum of artificial intelligence and real economy in Shenzhen. At the meeting, Wang Xinzhe, chief economist of the Ministry of industry and information technology, and Chen Rugui, mayor of Shenzhen, unveiled the pilot area for AI innovation and application in Shenzhen, marking that the AI industry in Shenzhen has entered a new stage of innovative application, in-depth development and high-quality development.

Major projects involving artificial intelligence in Shenzhen in 2020 include: hard egg innovation chip and artificial intelligence industry base construction project, financial artificial intelligence equipment production and efficiency expansion project, open cloud service platform of intelligent terminal, etc.

according to2020 Shenzhen government work reportSaid:We will build a national experimental zone for the innovation and development of a new generation of artificial intelligence and digital economy, accelerate the development of emerging industries such as industrial Internet and intelligent robots, and build a Kunpeng industrial demonstration zone.

When it comes to artificial intelligence, blockchain has to mention:In this field, Shenzhen's patented inventions rank first in the world!

According to the statistical analysis report on intellectual property rights of Shenzhen in 2018 released by Shenzhen Intellectual Property Office, blockchain is a new application mode of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism and encryption algorithm. In 2018, the number of international patent applications in Shenzhen ranked first among major cities in China. Compared with key international innovation cities (countries), Shenzhen also ranks first.

Comparison of PCT international patent applications in international blockchain technology innovation cities in 2018  


Of course, Shenzhen has this foundation, and the global financial growth point in the next decade will be financial technology,To become an international financial center

If AI changes productivity, large-scale AI computing power cluster is the premise to realize this change.


 According to Shenzhen TV news: on November 29, 2019, Pengcheng laboratory and Huawei jointly released the basic model of Pengcheng yunnao II. Huawei atlas 900 cluster equipped with Kunpeng and shengteng processors is used as the base of Pengcheng yunnao II. The existing AI computing power is 100p (billion calculations per second). In 2020, Pengcheng yunnao II will officially move towards the construction of 1000 P level, that is, E level (10 billion calculations per second) AI cluster.  

07   Industrial Internet (Internet of things)  

Major projects related to industrial Internet (Internet of things) include: Southern intelligent manufacturing base, Dongjiang Intelligent Home Industrial Park, global intelligent chip innovation center, Xinwangda Bao'an District lithium ion battery intelligent manufacturing industrial park project, Sany intelligent manufacturing innovation center, Boqun intelligent manufacturing professional service park project, new generation intelligent data transmission technology industrial park Xinlikang intelligent manufacturing industrial base, Shenzhen General Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute and Tian intelligent supply chain logistics park project.

It is worth mentioning that the industrial Internet & middot; Bao'an District of Shenzhen was selected into the list of the ninth batch of national new industrialization industry demonstration bases, which is Shenzhen's second electronic information & middot; Shenzhen Bay Park, software and information service & middot; Shenzhen Software Park, electronic information & middot; The fourth national demonstration base after Pingshan District, Shenzhen.

According to the official gazette of 2018, Shenzhen has issued the Shenzhen Industrial Internet development action plan (2018-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the action plan) and several measures of Shenzhen on accelerating the development of industrial Internet, and strive to build Shenzhen into a national leading industrial Internet area driven by innovation, application leading and ecologically active by 2020.

2020On February 26, McKinsey released the Chinese version of the white paper "global" lighthouse factory "network: the latest insights from the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution" jointly written with the world economic forum, a new list of Lighthouse factories was released,Shenzhen Foxconn was selected again as the "lighthouse factory" representing the turning point of the new round of industrial revolution. According to the official description of the global lighthouse network, the global lighthouse network is a community organization producing factories and other facilities. It is a world leader in adopting and integrating the cutting-edge technology of the fourth industrial revolution (4ir). The individual "lighthouse factory" constituting the lighthouse network refers to a leading enterprise that has been effective in the application and integration of cutting-edge technologies in the fourth industrial revolution and can be a global example. They competed with thousands of factories around the world and finally won by virtue of their outstanding achievements in using the technology of the fourth industrial revolution and improving economic and operational benefits.Gou even put forward in his speech that the Sino US trade war is essentially an industrial internet war


For major projects in Shenzhen in 2020, please refer to:

Shenzhen announced to invest 200 billion! In 2020, 487 major projects will be fully exposed

Guangdong guanxuan! Shenzhen invested more than 680 billion, and 69 key projects were exposed! A complete list of provincial development and Reform Commission is attached

Of course, the purpose of "new infrastructure" in Shenzhen is in addition torail transitOutside the rule of law business environmentThe most important are schools, hospitals and housing. The following is on the official website of Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission《Shenzhen 2020 government investment project plan》You can find some answers!

Shenzhen 2020 government investment project plan


In order to fully implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the second, third and fourth plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, implement the Central Committee's opinions on supporting Shenzhen to accelerate the construction of a leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, give better play to the guiding and leading role of government investment, and further

Optimize the investment structure, coordinate the investment proportion, and formulate this plan according to the outline of the 13th five year plan for national economic and social development of Shenzhen, the annual plan objectives, and the preliminary review and preliminary review opinions of the Municipal People's Congress.


1、 Implementation of government investment projects in 2019


Since 2019, the city's investment work has resolutely implemented the strategic deployment of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, deeply promoted the supply side structural reform according to the requirements of high-quality development, focused on key areas, optimized the investment structure, strengthened the key role of investment in optimizing the supply structure, and promoted the rational growth of effective investment, especially private investment. In 2019, the municipal government continued to increase investment in social and people's livelihood, ecological civilization, urban infrastructure and other fields and special zone integration projects. Throughout the year, the municipal government planned to arrange 735 projects,The total investment is 1241.3 billion yuanThe annual planned investment is 61 billion yuan, and the investment is expected to be about 60 billion yuan in the whole yearThe completion rate was 98.4%. It is estimated that the annual investment by the two-level governments in the urban area will be about 140 billion yuan, promoting the city's fixed asset investment to exceed 740 billion yuan, with a growth rate of about 18%, laying a solid foundation for the city's successful completion of various economic and social construction goals.


(1) Urban infrastructure construction was accelerated.The construction speed of 12 rail transit projects under construction has been increased, the extension lines of Metro Line 5 and line 9 have been opened, the subway operation mileage has exceeded 300 kilometers, and 269 kilometers are under construction. The main works of Nanping phase III and Banyin channel were completed, and the sinking reconstruction of Binhai Avenue (Shenzhen Bay headquarters base section) and Shiqing Avenue phase II were started.


(2) The ability to ensure people's livelihood continued to strengthen.The construction of high-level universities such as Southern University of science and technology and Shenzhen University has been steadily promoted. The comprehensive teaching building and student dormitory of Shenzhen University of technology have been completed and enrolled independently. The 12th senior high school was basically completed, and 2400 ordinary high school degrees were added. The outpatient service of stomatological hospital was put into trial operation, and the reconstruction and expansion projects of the second children's Hospital, Jihua hospital and Longhua Branch of the Municipal People's hospital were started. The construction of 80000 new talent housing and affordable housing and the supply of 34000.


(3) The level of ecological civilization construction continued to improve.We made every effort to promote the hard task of the "decisive battle year for water pollution control", completed the remediation of 159 black and smelly water bodies and 1467 small black and smelly water bodies, built 350 km of sewage pipe network, repaired 900 km of pipe network, and added 60 square kilometers of sponge City area. Build Dashahe ecological corridor and other high-quality parks, and realize the construction goal of "city of thousands of parks" in advance.


(4) Basic innovation and industrial supporting facilities were further improved.Actively create a comprehensive national science center, start the construction of civil works in the start-up area of Guangming Science City, accelerate the construction of major scientific and technological infrastructure such as future network test facilities, and build and officially put into operation the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center.


2、 Planning and arrangement of government investment projects in 2020


(1) General idea

*** Adhere to the new development concept, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promote high-quality development, deepen supply side structural reform, focus on public infrastructure, public services, ecological and environmental protection, major scientific and technological progress and other public projects in which the market cannot effectively allocate resources, and make full use of special government bonds, We will give better play to the guiding and leading role of government investment funds, maintain stable and healthy economic and social development, and ensure the smooth conclusion of the 13th five year plan.


(2) Arrangement principle


——Expand effective investment.Actively respond to the downward pressure on the economy, give full play to the key role of investment in stabilizing growth, comprehensively balance the project promotion speed, capital demand and financial capital supply capacity, appropriately expand the scale of investment and strengthen counter cyclical policy regulation.


——Insist on maintaining pressure.We will increase the issuance and use of government bonds, strengthen the overall allocation of funds, ensure the continued construction and people's livelihood in the project arrangement, strictly control the building, hall and museum projects of Party and government organs, and scientifically and reasonably arrange the construction of new projects.


——Strengthen project reserve.Closely connect the construction requirements of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and the first demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, connect with the objectives and tasks of the 13th five year plan, comprehensively sort out the progress of the project, and promote the preliminary work of key projects,

Strengthen project reserve.


——Rolling plan preparation.According to the division of investment powers of the urban government, comprehensively strengthen the connection with the medium-term financial plan, and reasonably arrange the construction funds in 2020 on the basis of overall consideration of the preparation of the three-year rolling plan from 2020 to 2022.


(3) Investment scale and capital source


In 2020, the investment projects of the municipal government at the same level are planned to be 65.7 billion yuan, with an increase of about 15.9% in the same caliber 1. The sources of funds are arranged by the municipal government budget, including land fund and special funds of 2.88 billion yuan.


According to the summary, the government investment projects of all districts (including new districts and cooperation zones) at the district level in 2020 are planned to total about 111.2 billion yuan, and the total investment scale of urban governments at the two levels is about 176.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.7%. It is expected to promote the investment scale of fixed assets of the whole society to reach about 840 billion yuan, an increase of about 15.0%.


(4) Item classification


The ABC classification management system is implemented for government investment projects. In 2020, the municipal government plans to arrange 661 projects with a total investment of 1248.5 billion yuan. By the end of 2019, the cumulative investment is 203.6 billion yuan, and the planned investment in 2020 is 65.7 billion yuan. The details are as follows:


——Class a items.Including the newly started projects that have completed the approval procedures at the preliminary design estimate stage and meet the commencement conditions, a total of 359 projects are arranged, and the annual planned investment is 65.7 billion yuan. Among them, there are 288 continued projects, accounting for 80.2%, and the annual planned investment is 57.08 billion yuan, accounting for 86.9%; There are 71 new projects, accounting for 19.8%. The annual planned investment is 8.62 billion yuan, accounting for 13.1%. Among them, the reserved project adjustment fund is 900 million yuan and the preliminary work cost is 1.2 billion yuan.


——Category B items.Including the preliminary projects that completed the approval procedures in the feasibility study stage, 88 projects were arranged with a total investment of 45.6 billion yuan.


——Category C items.Including the preliminary projects that have been approved and included in the outline of the five-year plan for national economic and social development or reviewed and approved by the executive meeting of the municipal government, a total of 214 projects are arranged with a total investment of 511.6 billion yuan.

B. For class C projects, the preliminary work funds will be arranged in time according to the preliminary work progress and capital demand of the project. If it is necessary to adjust the annual investment plan according to the actual work progress of the project, the required funds shall be arranged in the reserved adjustment funds according to the procedures.

(the 2019 government investment project plan includes 4.32 billion yuan of housing expropriation and compensation funds, which is not included in the 2020 plan.) 


(5) Key areas


According to the 2020 national economic and socio-economic development plan and the annual key work arrangement of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, in 2020, the municipal government will focus its investment on urban infrastructure, livelihood services, ecological civilization construction and industrial innovation. In 2020, the municipal government invested about 54.47 billion yuan in the integration projects outside the original special zone and the special zone, accounting for 82.9% of the annual investment scale.


——Urban infrastructure:Improve the layout of rail transit and major transportation hubs,Seven lines, including line 6, phase I of line 8 and line 10, were put into operation, focusing on accelerating the construction of rail transit line 12, line 13, line 14, line 16, Gangxia North comprehensive transportation hub and chegongmiao comprehensive transportation hub; Accelerate the construction of urban trunk line network, comprehensive three-dimensional parking lot, comprehensive pipe gallery and other fields, accelerate the construction of outer ring expressway and put it into use, and focus on promoting the sinking and reconstruction of Shenzhen China channel, Binhai Avenue (Shenzhen Bay headquarters base section), Mawan cross sea channel (Yueliangwan Avenue Yanjiang Expressway), Yantian North comprehensive parking lot, Fenghuangshan comprehensive parking lot Construction of comprehensive pipe gallery and road integration project in airport new town startup area, comprehensive pipe gallery of Pingdi cable tunnel, phase II of comprehensive pipe gallery of airport new town (Chongqing road to Fufeng section), etc. The annual investment in this field is planned to be 37.72 billion yuan, accounting for 57.4% of the total investment plan of the municipal government.


——Livelihood services:It is planned to build a number of major public cultural facilities, and accelerate the construction of new Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen second library, Shenzhen Science and Technology Museum (New Museum) and other projects. We will improve the multi-level education development system, expand the supply of high-quality medical and health resources, and accelerate the construction of Zhongshan University Shenzhen and Shenzhen University of Technology (phase I), Shenzhen University Xili campus construction project (phase II), Southern University of science and technology campus construction project (phase II), Shenzhen Vocational and technical college north campus phase I, Shenzhen middle school (Nigang campus) Longcheng senior middle school expansion project, Dapeng New Area People's Hospital, Jihua hospital, the second children's Hospital and other projects, pay close attention to promoting the preliminary work of the 15th senior middle school, the third children's Hospital and other projects, and strive to start as soon as possible. Accelerate the construction and purchase of talent housing and affordable housing and the construction of supporting facilities, and focus on promoting the construction or repurchase of Changzhen housing project and its ancillary projects, kui'an Yaju, Rongyue Shanju and other projects. The annual investment in this field is planned to be 18.13 billion yuan, accounting for 27.6% of the total investment plan of the municipal government.


——Ecological civilization construction:We will solidly carry out actions to control water and improve water quality, and continue to promote the comprehensive improvement project of water environment in Maozhou River, Longgang River, Pingshan River and other basins, as well as the small watersheds of closure River, Buji River (in the special zone) and Jingui River in the new urban area of Dakong port

Comprehensive improvement works and other projects. Promote the comprehensive utilization of water resources, waste disposal, ecological environment protection and restoration, accelerate the water resources allocation project in the Pearl River Delta, the reconstruction project of the eastern seawall (phase III), the construction project of the pilot section of Bi road of Maozhou River, the treatment project of potential safety hazards of Xiaping landfill, the reconstruction and expansion project of the sewage plant of the urban waste disposal center Construction of comprehensive supervision platform for domestic waste transfer station in Shenzhen. Improve the ecological environment and meteorological monitoring system, and accelerate the construction of nuclear and radiation environment safety monitoring and supervision system, urban ecological and ecological red line monitoring and supervision capacity-building system, Shenzhen air space integrated atmospheric observation network and other projects. The annual investment in this field is planned to be 6.08 billion yuan, accounting for the total investment plan of the municipal government

9.3% of the mold.


——Supporting fields of industrial innovation:Accelerate the construction of major scientific and technological infrastructure, independent innovation carriers, supporting facilities for strategic emerging industry clusters, smart cities and other projects,We will continue to accelerate the construction of major scientific and technological infrastructure such as civil works in the startup area of Guangming Science City, future network experimental facilities, material genome large scientific device platform, and accelerate the upgrading and transformation of Shenzhen e-government network phase I, Shenzhen special equipment safety inspection and testing base, Shenzhen medical device monitoring and biomedical safety evaluation center Construction of smart food safety supervision platform and other projects.The annual investment in this field is planned to be 3.77 billion yuan, accounting for 5.7% of the total investment plan of the municipal government.


3、 Safeguard measures

(1) Promote the speed and efficiency of project construction. The municipal development and Reform Commission and relevant units accelerated the construction and application of the whole process management system, relying on the whole process management information system of the project, strengthened the hierarchical coordination and supervision of the project, compacted the annual target responsibilities, and promoted the speed and efficiency of project construction. Based on the mandatory plan of government investment, relevant units scientifically formulate construction plans, strengthen project construction management, clarify work objectives, decompose work tasks, clarify work responsibilities, reasonably determine key project nodes, and fully speed up the project construction progress on the premise of ensuring project quality and construction safety.


(2) We will continue to deepen the reform of the examination and approval system.We will implement the regulations on government investment, accelerate the revision of the regulations on the administration of government investment projects of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, deepen the reform of the examination and approval system for engineering construction projects, further simplify the examination and approval process and improve the quality and efficiency of examination and approval. We will continue to strengthen the application of the online approval and supervision platform for investment projects, implement the unified code system for investment projects, and explore innovative intelligent approval modes. Promote the completion of projects in the 13th five year plan, speed up the closure, and appropriately include the projects that are expected to meet the construction conditions within the year but have not yet completed the approval procedures into the class a plan in advance. In principle, the annual investment plan will be issued after the budget estimation approval procedures are completed, so as to ensure the capital requirements of the project construction.


(3) Strengthen the preliminary work of the project.Strengthen the reserve of key projects in the 14th five year plan, accelerate the preliminary work of the project, scientifically formulate the preliminary work plan and task list, and clarify the time nodes and tasks of key links. Study and issue management measures for planning and generation of government investment projects, integrate urban planning, land use and spatial special planning of various departments and industries, make full use of the "multi compliance" platform to carry out project space demonstration, accelerate the preliminary work in planning site selection, land use, sea use, environmental assessment, water and soil conservation, and increase land acquisition and demolition, municipal supporting facilities, water and electricity access Fund implementation and other promotion efforts.


(4) Innovate the project investment and financing mode.Flexibly allocate government investment funds, explore and innovate financial capital investment mechanism and performance management mode, and actively strive for more capital policy support. Strive to increase the issuance scale of general bonds and special bonds, strive for the support of new bonds, and actively explore the overseas issuance of green bonds. Promote the government social capital cooperation (PPP) model, break the administrative monopoly and market barriers, fully open the infrastructure and public service fields traditionally invested by the government to social capital, especially private capital, and encourage and guide social capital to actively participate in the construction of urban infrastructure to make up for weaknesses.


(5) Strengthen investment supervision and performance appraisal.Study and establish the performance evaluation mechanism of government investment projects, improve the annual investment evaluation index system of various departments, regularly summarize the project progress and report it. Strengthen the management of project completion acceptance, strictly implement the main responsibilities of the construction unit and survey, design, construction, supervision and other units for completion acceptance, urge all functional departments to strictly enforce the working time limit and standardize the acceptance behavior according to the regulatory division of labor and responsibility requirements, and speed up the relevant procedures such as project completion acceptance, completion final accounts and financial final accounts. Strengthen post project evaluation management, systematically and objectively analyze the completed project objectives, implementation process, benefits, functions and impacts, and further enhance the level of investment decision-making management. (source: official of Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission)

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