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Lookout | successful launch, "Star" high light! What changes will be brought about by the completion of Beidou global networking deployment?

Release date:2021-12-29Author source:KinghelmViews:799

 At 9:43 today (June 23), the last global networking satellite of Beidou 3 was ignited and lifted off at Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The satellite was in normal condition and the launch mission was a complete success.The deployment of beidou-3 global satellite navigation system constellation has been fully completed!

▲ 9:43!Fire!Photography:Hu Xujie (picture source:China News Network

▲ photographer: Hu Xujie (picture source: China News Network)  

The "closing star" began to take off(Figure:CCTV news client live broadcast

Successful star arrow separation

▲ solar wing deployment

▲ lens from the three-stage engine: take the earth as the background and send the satellite on a long journey

China Beidou, proud of you!

 Where is the strength of beidou-3 system?

The service area of Beidou 3 will be expanded to the whole world, with independent intellectual property rights and core technology, Beidou navigation satellite stand-alone and key componentsLocalization rate reaches 100%

Beidou 3's short message communication capability has been significantly improved,The information transmission capacity has been increased from 120 Chinese characters at a time to 1200 Chinese characters at a time, in case of emergency, there is no need to weigh words and sentences, which is enough to make the plot clear at one time. Pictures and other information can also be sent, which has richer application scenarios

Including Geo"Lucky star" family(geostationary orbit satellite)With six abilities of radio navigation, radio measurement, satellite based enhancement, precision single point positioning, power enhancement, inter station time synchronization and positioning, it can provide users in China and surrounding areas with diversified services such as positioning and navigation timing, short message communication, satellite based enhancement, inter satellite communication and measurement, inter station synchronization, precision single point positioning and so on.

After decades of cultivation, what level has China's Beidou reached? What are the key technologies? What functions can be realized? Look

On June 23, the 55th Beidou navigation satellite developed by the Fifth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Fifth Institute") was successfully launched,The deployment of beidou-3 global satellite navigation system constellation has been fully completed.

"嚞(sound "zhe"zhé)The successful launch of Beidou satellite marks the perfect end of the constellation deployment of Beidou satellite global navigation system. " Chen Zhonggui, chief designer of beidou-3 satellite of the Fifth Academy of Sciences, said.

"Fuxing" is the nickname of the Fifth Academy for the 30th satellite of Beidou 3.It is the 55th satellite of Beidou satellite navigation system and the third geosynchronous orbit satellite (GEO Satellite) in beidou-3 satellite navigation system.

"The number of geo satellites is small, but they play a key role. Beidou of the Fifth Academy of Engineering calls them 'auspicious stars'." Researchers from the beidou-3 development team of the Fifth Academy told reporters that the 55th Beidou navigation satellite was called "Jixing" because it ranked third in the "Jixing" family.

Now,Carrying many "artifact" and stationed in high orbit Tianjiang, Yixing shoulders the responsibility of significantly enhancing the overall technical indicators of Beidou 3.With the completion of "Jixing" in the "big chess game" of Beidou global networking, all 30 networking satellites of Beidou 3 have been in place,Beidou global networking deployment completed.

Beidou navigation satellite network diagram

The satellite navigation system has reached the international advanced level

  "The construction of Beidou global satellite navigation system with high performance and high reliability is not only the improvement and upgrading of Beidou regional system, but also the climbing and leap of world-class satellite navigation system.”Xie Jun, deputy chief designer of Beidou 3 project and chief chief designer of satellite, said that after the completion of the system, the performance of the system is equivalent to that of American GPS, making China's satellite navigation system reach the international advanced level.

  Compared with the beidou-2 regional system, the service area of beidou-3 will be expanded to the world. At the same time, it has achieved breakthroughs in key technologies such as upgrading and transformation of downlink navigation signals, completed a smooth transition with beidou-2 downlink navigation signals, and added new navigation signals on this basis to provide users with better services.

The beidou-3 satellite soared in space

According to reports,Beidou-3 global satellite navigation systemfromMEO satellite(earth medium circular orbit satellite)IGSO satellite(tilt geosynchronous orbit satellite) andGEO Satellite(geostationary orbit satellite) it consists of three satellites in different orbits, including 24 MEO satellites, 3 IGSO satellites and 3 geo satellites.

As a big man in the Beidou family,The geo "lucky star" family is stationed in Tianjiang, 36000km away, providing enhanced services for the improvement of the technical indicators of the Beidou navigation system.

It is reported that the satellite platform adopted by the "auspicious star" family is the Dongfanghong 3B (navigation) satellite platform developed by the Fifth Institute, which is one of the larger satellite platforms in active service in China.

The strong carrying capacity enables the "lucky star" family to haveRadio navigation, radio measurement, satellite based enhancement, precision single point positioning, power enhancement, inter station time synchronization and positioningThe six skills can provide users in China and surrounding areas with diversified services such as positioning and navigation timing, short message communication, satellite based enhancement, inter satellite communication and measurement, inter station synchronization, precision single point positioning and so on.

  "The most distinctive features are active positioning and short message communication, which is the innovation of China Beidou system.”Xie Jun introduced that active positioning uses radio measurement technology, which is the "gene" of Beidou. Through the cooperation of two geo navigation satellites,It can not only answer the user "where am I", but also tell the interested parties who pay attention to the user's whereabouts "where are you". It is widely used in search and rescue, fisheries and other fields. It is a "thousand mile eye" to ensure the safety of people's livelihood.

Beidou 3's short message communication capability has also been significantly improved,The information transmission capacity is increased from 120 Chinese characters at a time to 1200 Chinese characters at a time. In case of emergencies, there is no need to think about words and sentences, which is enough to make the plot clear at one time. Pictures and other information can also be sent, with richer application scenarios.At the same time, the service capacity of Beidou 3 is 10 times larger than that of Beidou 2. More people can enjoy the inclusive services of Beidou navigation system in the fields of communication, electric power, finance, surveying and mapping, transportation, fishery, agriculture, forestry and so on.

In terms of mass applications, from mobile phone positioning to watch timing, from sharing bicycles to driverless; From traffic navigation to disaster prevention and reduction, from unmanned farming to helping fight the epidemic; From Internet of vehicles to Internet of things, from smart port to smart drilling rig, with the advent of 5g commercial era, Beidou is accelerating the integration with new technologies such as new generation mobile communication, blockchain and artificial intelligence. New models, new business forms and new economy of Beidou application are emerging, which will profoundly change people's production and life style.

In March this year, after the second GEO satellite of Beidou 3 was in place, the active positioning function of Beidou system under the new system was verified, which opened the prelude to the comprehensive upgrading of radio measurement function. One belt, one road, is the three Jetion three brothers. The Big Dipper will be able to pull up a larger distance on the equator and provide services for the wider area along the way. The Beidou will leap to a new height.

▲ the designers of the Fifth Institute discussed specific problems at the work site

Beidou's "three-step" victory

"In the 1980s, China began to explore the development path of satellite navigation system suitable for national conditions and formed a 'three-step' development strategy." Chen Zhonggui said,Beidou system has experienced three construction stages: Beidou No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 systems.

In 1983, experts and scholars represented by academician Chen Fangyun, the winner of China's "two bombs and one satellite Merit Medal" and the main proponent of the national "863 Program", put forward the idea of using two geostationary orbit satellites to measure ground and air targets.

In 1994, the construction of Beidou-1 system project was started. In 2000, two geostationary satellites were successfully launched, and the system was completed and put into use; In 2003 and 2007, the third and fourth geostationary satellites were launched, further enhancing the performance of the system. Beidou-1 system adopts an active positioning system to provide Chinese users with positioning, timing, wide area differential and short message communication services, making China the third country after the United States and Russia to have an independent satellite navigation system.

In 2004, the construction of Beidou No. 2 system project was started. By the end of 2012, the network launch was completed, and the world's first hybrid constellation regional satellite navigation system was successfully built. The service area covers the Asia Pacific region. Beidou system has become one of the four major service providers of international satellite navigation system.

In 2009, beidou-3 system launched key technology research and engineering construction. China's one belt, one road and the world's basic navigation service, was completed in 2018. The Chinese Beidou has taken a substantial step towards the goal of the global network in three. By the end of December 2019, the deployment of the global system core constellation will be completed; On June 23, 2020, the 55th Beidou navigation satellite was successfully launched, and the deployment of beidou-3 global satellite navigation system Constellation was fully completed.

  "With the successful launch and stable operation in orbit, Beidou system goes out of China and into the world."Xie Jun said.

"Over the past few decades, the service positioning accuracy, system stability and functional comprehensiveness of Beidou system have been continuously improved, becoming an important national space infrastructure and comprehensively supporting the needs of national security and economic and social development." Chen Zhonggui said,Looking forward to the future, it is planned to build and improve a more ubiquitous, integrated and intelligent national integrated positioning, navigation and timing system with Beidou system as the core in 2035.

▲ the satellite is transferred to the launch tower, and the "lucky star" team takes a group photo with the star arrow

Independently and controllably shoulder the important task of strengthening the country

"The Beidou is an important weapon of the country. It is related to the modernization of national defense and the development of the national economy. Independent control is very important." Chen Zhonggui said that as important time and space information, if it is provided by others, where does the sense of security come from? For example, the current hot spot "new infrastructure" will be an important direction in the next stage of China's construction and development,Time benchmark and spatial position benchmark are the crucial foundation, and Beidou navigation system is the infrastructure and foundation of "new infrastructure".

"The key core technology can't be bought or begged." On the road of Beidou's development, Beidou people of the five academies feel this particularly deeply.

▲ the Beidou people of the Fifth Academy carefully operated

"How to build a high-precision space lighthouse? Who will measure its position? How to maintain stability? How can multiple satellites work safely and reliably?" Xie Jun said,The "four questions" involve four aspects: Satellite ontology structure, overall navigation technology, core single machine development and independent innovation breakthrough, the localization of Beidou has been arduous. Through the exploration and practice of three generations of Beidou system, it has finally lived up to the time and handed over a brilliant answer.

"Localization started with the solar sailboard of Beidou-1." Academician fan benyao, chief designer of Beidou-1, recalled that during the construction of Beidou-1 system, foreign countries blocked our technology, and key single machines and components were "stuck" by some countries. However, domestic component manufacturers are not mature, and the development of Beidou-1 can only start in exploration.

"At that time, Beidou was the first to 'eat crabs' and hardened his scalp." Fan benyao said. Whether it is the birth of the dongfanghong-3 platform or the three key components affecting the long life, Beidou-1 has solved the most basic problems of the satellite with the entrepreneurial spirit of self-reliance. The solar panel for power supply and distribution provides components for the satellite to convert light into electricity, as well as the rotating mechanism of the control system,The localization of these core products gives Beidou satellite a "Chinese physique".

After that, the localization research is all the way through thorns and thorns.

Beidou-2 broke the technical blockade of foreign countries, conquered a number of key technologies represented by the overall technology of navigation satellite and high-precision spaceborne atomic clock, and made the "heart" of satellite navigation system beat "China's heart rate".

Beidou 3 has opened a new journey of innovation and development. The satellite team of the Fifth Academy of Sciences took the lead in putting forward the world's first high school orbit inter satellite link hybrid new system, forming inter satellite link network protocol, autonomous orbit determination, time synchronization and other system schemes with independent intellectual property rights, filling the gap in China; An integrated system from development, verification to application has been established for the localization of core components, which has completely broken the situation of long-term dependence on imports and controlled by others.

Introduction to researchers of beidou-3 development team,Beidou-3 system has three highlights:

First, China Unicom has made new breakthroughs and achieved unlimited connectivity.Because China's Beidou system cannot establish ground stations around the world like the US GPS, in order to solve the data transmission channel of overseas satellites, the Beidou 3 development team of the Fifth Academy has conquered the constellation inter satellite link technology and adopted the integrated design of inter satellite and satellite ground transmission functions to realize the link interworking between satellites and satellites, satellites and ground stations.

In other words, although the Beidou satellite on the other side of the earth is "invisible", the inter satellite link of Beidou satellite can also contact them. The inter satellite link technology can not only realize the communication and data transmission between satellites, but also measure the distance between satellites and automatically "maintain the formation", which can reduce the pressure of ground management and maintenance. In the application of inter satellite link technology, a brand-new network protocol, management strategy and routing strategy are designed to solve the problem that it is impossible to deploy stations globally for satellite overseas monitoring, which is a major feature of the construction of Beidou global navigation system.

  Second, new technologies can achieve a long life of satellites."Beidou is an open system. China's Beidou is also the world's Beidou. China's development of satellite navigation technology is not only an important infrastructure of the national economy, but also an infrastructure that provides time and space coordinates for all mankind. The continuity and stability of services are very important." Chi Jun, commander-in-chief of beidou-3 satellite of the Fifth Academy of engineering, said that just as water and power cuts affect urban life, once satellite navigation services are interrupted, the normal operation of the state and society will be greatly affected. Therefore, strict design requirements are put forward for the reliability and continuity of satellite navigation.

In order to improve the reliability of satellite in orbit service, beidou-3 satellite has taken a number of reliability measures to make the design life of the satellite reach 12 years, reach the advanced level of international navigation satellite, and provide a basic guarantee for the continuity and stability of Beidou system service.

  Third, the new "artifact" makes the service "zero error".In order to improve the accuracy of the service, Beidou 3 is equipped with a new generation of atomic clock to improve satellite performance and user experience by improving the indicators of atomic clock. Atomic clocks use the stable characteristics of atomic transition frequency to ensure the accuracy of generation time. At present, there are mainly rubidium atomic clocks, hydrogen atomic clocks, cesium atomic clocks, etc. China's Beidou satellite adopts rubidium atomic clock and is also equipped with a newly developed domestic hydrogen atomic clock with higher performance. Although the mass and power consumption of hydrogen atomic clock are larger than rubidium atomic clock, its stability and drift rate are better. Compared with rubidium atomic clock, China started later. In 2015, the hydrogen atomic clock developed in China was verified for the first time in orbit application, which has carried out technical exploration for Beidou global navigation system. So far, its function and performance are very stable. The on orbit application of spaceborne hydrogen atomic clock plays an important role in realizing Beidou navigation and positioning.

"In terms of localization, Yixing is a masterpiece, with independent intellectual property rights and core technology, Beidou navigation satellite stand-alone and key elementsThe localization rate of devices reaches 100%. " Xie Jun said that controllable core technology is the key to the innovation and development of China's space cause

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